一年一度的国家科学技术奖代表我国最高水平、具有神圣崇高的地位,其中自然科学奖尤其受到重视。自然奖申报书要求列出不超过8篇代表性论文,并基于所列代表性论文阐述其重要科学发现点的原创性、公认度和科学价值。同时申报书需要对每一篇代表性论文列出其SCI他引次数,该他引次数有严格的定义、从Web of Science (WoS)数据库检索得到,本身是一个“铁”的数据,是改不了造不出来的。但是,今年自然科学奖部分申报书居然就敢填写严重不符的SCI他引次数。
代表性论文-1 Group-sparse representation with dictionary learning for medical image denoising and fusion: 64⁄70
代表性论文-2 Performance comparison of different multi-resolution transforms for image fusion: 209⁄163
代表性论文-3 Spectral-spatial hyperspectral image classification via multiscale adaptive sparse representation: 82⁄109
代表性论文-4 Multifocus image fusion and restoration with sparse representation: 172⁄163
代表性论文-5 Multifocus image fusion using region segmentation and spatial frequency: 201⁄141
代表性论文-6 Image fusion with guided filtering: 240⁄221
代表性论文-7 A new pan-sharpening method using a compressed sensing technique: 143⁄135
代表性论文-8 Remote sensing image fusion via sparse representation over learned dictionaries: 103⁄104
代表性论文-1 Time-frequency approach to underdetermined blind source separation: 89⁄53
代表性论文-2 Online blind source separation using incremental nonnegative matrix factorization with volume constraint: 50⁄36
代表性论文-3 Detecting the number of clusters in N-way probabilistic clustering: 89⁄61
代表性论文-4 Symmetric nonnegative matrix factorization: algorithms and applications to probabilistic clustering: 61⁄47
代表性论文-5 Group component analysis for multiblock data: common and individual feature extraction: 48⁄46
代表性论文-6 Frequency recognition in SSVEP-based BCI using multiset canonical correlation analysis: 114⁄91
代表性论文-7 Laplacian regularized low-rank representation and its applications: 71⁄72
代表性论文-8 Convolutive blind source separation in the frequency domain based on sparse representation: 64⁄39
代表性论文-1 Estimate of exponential convergence rate and exponential stability for neural networks: 68⁄64
代表性论文-2 Stability of fuzzy control systems with bounded uncertain delays: 150⁄71
代表性论文-3 Convergence analysis of cellular neural networks with unbounded delay: 134⁄120
代表性论文-4 Absolute periodicity and absolute stability of delayed neural networks: 69⁄67
代表性论文-5 Multiperiodicity and attractivity of delayed recurrent neural networks with unsaturating piecewise linear transfer functions: 53⁄55
代表性论文-6 Convergence analysis of a deterministic discrete time system of Oja’s PCA learning algorithm: 17⁄40
代表性论文-7 Dynamics of generalized PCA and MCA learning algorithms: 10⁄9
代表性论文-8 Fractional differential mask: a fractional differential-based approach for multiscale texture enhancement: 125⁄115
代表性论文-1 Just noticeable distortion model and its application in video coding: 135⁄87
代表性论文-2 Motion-compensated residue preprocessing in video coding based on just-noticeable distortion profile: 96⁄65
代表性论文-3 Cross-dimensional perceptual quality assessment for low bit-rate videos: 47⁄34
代表性论文-4 No reference image sharpness assessment in autoregressive parameter space: 51⁄67
代表性论文-5 Efficient image deblocking based on postfiltering in shifted windows: 51⁄35
代表性论文-6 A psychovisual quality metric in free-energy principle: 44⁄59
代表性论文-7 Using free energy principle for blind image quality assessment: 99⁄129
代表性论文-8 The analysis of image contrast: from quality assessment to automatic enhancement: 60⁄83