澳大利亚南珀斯市议员选举候选人张霆居然是著名的学术剽窃者刘汉龙的助理 (The

澳大利亚南珀斯市议员选举候选人张霆居然是著名的学术剽窃者刘汉龙的助理 (The Candidate of Councilor of City of South Perth - Ting Zhang has been a key assistant of the famous academic plagiarist Hanlong Liu)


尊敬的方舟子先生:澳大利亚西澳州南珀斯市议员选举候选人张霆, 其简历显示他于2003年12月起在河海大学岩土所担任所长助理;而著名的学术剽窃者刘汉龙,在2001年到2006年被揭发剽窃他人成果报国家科技奖之间都任河海大学岩土所所长。这表明,张霆是刘汉龙实施剽窃报奖的助理。现在有这么样一个问题,一个学术腐败集团的成员如果欺骗成功而选上南珀斯市议员这样的公职,怎么保证他不会进行腐败,怎么保障百姓的生命和财产安全。

Ting Zhang, the Candidate of Councilor of Mill Point Ward, City of South Perth in Western Australia, states in his CV that he worked as Assistant of Director, Geotechnical Research Institute of Hohai University in China since December 2003. The Director of Geotechnical Research Institute of Hohai University between 2001 and 2006 was Hanlong Liu who was reported in national media to have plagarised and used the plagarised material to apply for the national award in China in December 2005. That means that Ting Zhang was the key people assisting Hanlong Liu in using the plagiarising material to apply for the national award. Now it is a question to the public: what will happen if Ting Zhang who is a member of the academic corruption group to the Councilor of South Perth which is strongly related to the safety of public’s life and asset.


张霆的简历显示:“张霆,男,江苏省泰兴人,1997年河海大学大学建筑工程专业本科毕业并留校任教,先后任土木工程学院辅导员、分团委书记、人事处人才科副科长、江宁校区学生工作部副部长等…2003年12月起在河海大学岩土所任讲师兼所长助理并在职攻读获得岩土工程专业博士”,“张霆博士将参加今年十月的南珀斯市议员选举。竞选职位:南珀斯市议员,Mill Point Ward辖区的选票全部来自South Perth。见 :http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzAwOTE0ODI0Nw==&mid=207284501&idx=1&sn=836f8f8d435594a781ec2971c4f0634b&scene=1&srcid=ACFPTDouOmJmjw2oLLlx&from=singlemessage&isappinstalled=0#rdTing Zhang’s CV states that “Ting Zhang, Male, born in Taixing, Jiangsu Province of China…and worked as the Assistant of Director, Geotechnical Research Institute of Hohai University in China since December 2003…”, “Dr. Zhang will run as candidate for the election of Councilor of Mill Point Ward, City of South Perth in October 2015.”

二、江苏河海大学再曝剽窃丑闻 “剽窃论文”竟获奖

法制早报记者 王甘霖 特约记者 黄蓓蕾 吴明华http://www.xys.org/xys/ebooks/others/science/dajia7/liuhanlong.txt


Report in “Legal Daily Newspaper” dated 26 February 2006 shows (see http://www.xys.org/xys/ebooks/others/science/dajia7/liuhanlong.txt ):

“On 21 February 2006, Professor Weibing Zhao who is the Committee of the People’s Political Consultative Conference of Jiangsu Province and Deputy Director of the Nanjing Hydrolic Research Institute accused Hanlong Liu in Hohai University of plagiarising his academic achievements”. “According to Professor Zhao, in early December, 2015, he found that on the website of Hohai University that the application of Second Award of the National Science & Technology Progress Award included Professor Hanlong Liu of Hohai University, and after studying carefully on the application, Professor Zhao found that the projects that Professor Hanlong Liu used in the application were projects carried out by me.”


以下报道显示刘汉龙2005年40岁, 那么他36岁担任河海大学岩土研究所所长时就是2001年, 也就是说刘汉龙2001年之后担任河海大学岩土研究所所长。而张霆简历显示他正是2003年12月以后担任河海大学岩土研究所所长助理,表明张霆就是帮助刘汉龙用剽窃自他人的科研成果报国家奖的得力助手,是这个学术腐败集团的核心成员。大家在Google里输入“张霆, 刘汉龙”就能够发现他们所有的信息。

The following report show that Hanlong Liu has been working as Director of Geotechnical Research Institute of Hohai University since 2001 until at least 2006, and Ting Zhang’s CV shows that he started working as Assistant of Director of Geotechnical Research Institute of Hohai University since December 2003. It means that Ting Zhang was the assistant of Hanlong Liu for assisting him to use plagiarised material to apply for national award in December 2005.

See: http://www.chinawater.com.cn/wh/rw/slzsx/200506/t20050628_16644.htm


2005-06-28 前不久,河海大学对去年获得各级教学、科研奖及国家专利等对学校工作做出突出贡献的教师进行了表彰和奖励。在受到表彰的9项国家专利中,有7项的主要完成人是同一个名字,这个名字就是刘汉龙。一个永不满足的人刘汉龙出身于一个普通的农民家庭,相对落后、闭塞的环境反而使他从小就有了强烈的求知欲望。1986年大学毕业后,考上河海大学工程地质专业研究生,取得硕士学位后经过短暂工作再回河海攻读岩土工程专业博士学位,此后又于1994年到香港科技大学做访问学者,1996年赴日本国立港湾技术研究所进行博士后研究。2000年以来,已是教授、博士生导师的刘汉龙还不满足,又先后数次远赴荷兰代尔夫特理工大学、英国南安普顿大学和伦敦土木研究所以及新加坡、日本等地进行中短期的学术访问与交流。但他并不是一个只啃书本的人,而是非常注重理论与实践的紧密结合,在全国各地的许多水利、交通等工程中都能见到他的身影。不断地学习给他打下了深厚、扎实的理论功底,不断地深入工程一线使他能将理论及时用于实践、指导实践,他的业务水平迅速提高,在教学、科研工作中取得突出成绩、获得大量成果,成为我国岩土工程领域年轻一代的佼佼者。在岩土工程这个实践性很强的学科,他33岁被评定为教授,34岁被聘任为博士生导师,36岁担任河海大学岩土工程研究所所长、岩土工程国家重点学科学科主任。就是到现在,1964年出生的刘汉龙也才刚过了40岁生日。
