【文章1】 Junzhi Yu and Long Wang, “Design Framework and 3-D MotionControl for Biomimetic Robot Fish”, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEEInternational Symposium on Intelligent Control, Cyprus, June 27-29,2005, pp. 1435-1440.
【文章2】 Junzhi Yu, Long Wang, and Min Tan, “A Framework for BiomimeticRobot Fish’s Design and Its Realization”, 2005 American ControlConference, Portland, OR, USA, June 8-10, 2005, pp.1593-1598.
例如摘要部分,【文章1】这样描述:”This paper is concerned with the design andmotion control of a radio-controlled, multi-link andfree-swimming biomimetic robot fish based on an improvedkinematic propulsive model. The performance of the robot fishis determined by the fish’s both morphological parameters andkinematic parameters. By ichthyologic theories of propulsion,a framework taking into consideration of both mechatronicconstraints in physical realization and feasibility of controlmethods is presented, where multiple linked robot fishpropelled by a flexible posterior body and an oscillating tail fincan be easily developed. The motion control of robot fish isdecomposed into speed control, orientation control andsubmerging/ascending control. The speed of the swimming fishcan be adjusted by changing oscillating frequency, oscillatingamplitude and the length of oscillatory part, respectively, andits orientation is tuned by different joint’s deflections. Theup-down motion is realized by a pectoral mechanism. Ourrobot fish prototypes verify that the presented scheme iseffective in design and implementation.”
【文章2】摘要这样描述:”This paper deals with the design and 3-D motion controlof a radio-controlled, multi-link and free-swimming biomimetic robotfish based on an improved kinematic propulsive model. The performanceof the robot fish isdetermined by the fish’s both morphological parameters andkinematic parameters. By ichthyologic theories of propulsion,a design framework taking into consideration of bothmechatronic constraints in physical realization and feasibilityof control methods is presented, where multiple linked robotfish propelled by a flexible posterior body and an oscillatingtail fin can be easily developed. The 3-D motion control ofrobot fish is decomposed into speed control, orientation controland submerging/ascending control. The speed of the swimmingfish can be adjusted by changing oscillating frequency,oscillating amplitude and the length of oscillatory part,respectively, and its orientation is tuned by different joint’sdeflections. The up-down motion is realized by a pectoralmechanism. The experimental results on designed prototypesverify that the presented scheme is effective in design andimplementation.”
谭民:中国科学院“百人计划”,国家基金委杰出青年基金获得者, 新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选,获中国科学院青年科学家奖。14年基金委创新群体,也是准院士啊。
【文章3】Junzhi Yu, Lizhong Liu, and Long Wang, “Dynamic Modeling andExperimental Validation of Biomimetic Robotic Fish”, Proceedings ofthe 2006 American Control Conference Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, June14-16, 2006, pp. 4129-4134.
【文章4】Lizhong Liu, Junzhi Yu, and Long Wang, “Dynamic Modeling ofThree-Dimensional Swimming for Biomimetic Robotic Fish”, Proceedingsof the 2006 IEEE/RSJInternational Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems October 9 -15, 2006, Beijing, China, pp. 3916–3921.
首先【文章3】和【文章4】内容高度相似,这可以从文字描述和文章结构,以及主要数学公式上得到验证。例如,【文章3】中的公式(1)–(4)可以在【文章4】中的公式(1)–(4)找到一模一样的。特别地,两篇文章的图3惊人的相似,图4完全一样,【文章4】中的图7和【文章3】图6完全一样。但是,【文章3】描述是2D模型(motion of the robotic fish is analyzed only in two dimensions of the horizontal plane),【文章4】描述的3D模型,按照常理说,这2D和3D是完全不一样的。但是非常奇怪的是他们的实验结果是一模一样?难道2D等同于3D?还是作者只是把3D简单作为2D描述,从而达到挂羊头卖狗肉的目的,多发表一篇文章?对于仿生鱼流体力学,如同飞机的空气动力学模型一样,2D模型和3D模型有天壤之别,那么作者用2D的数据冒充3D的数据是不是应该归于伪造实验数据呢?