最近回国在北京机场购买了中国人民大学出版社出版的《页岩革命 新能源亿万富翁背后的惊人故事》一书. 该书翻译自美国作者Gregory Zuckerman的“The Frackers”。由于与我的专业有关,我对该书本来很有兴趣,结果在阅读过程中发现这本中文译本充满了翻译错误,根本无法读下去。该书译者显然看不懂涉及石油专业方面的英文,而且不但没有咨询专业人士,甚至连字典都懒的查一下,最基本的石油词汇都大量译错。我又买了英文原著,对照原著,我把一些明显译错的地方做了修正,书中译错的地方很多,这只是其中一小部分。
如此乱译的图书还获得2014年度财经类中国最有影响力图书, 而且曾入选2014中国高校出版社书榜、百道网中国好书榜、新华好书榜、新浪好书榜等各大榜单。北京晨报2014年度致敬图书对《页岩革命》的评语是“讲述了发生在当代的‘大航海事件’,在自由的引导下,人们创造了奇迹。” (http://news.ruc.edu.cn/archives/96878)。
第9页: 几十年来,地质勘探人员尝试过使用不同的高压液体来撞击岩层,让天然气顺着被撞击出来的通道释放到地表。这个过程叫做“液体压裂”,简称“压裂”。 原文:For decades, prospectors had fractured, or broken up, rock formation by pummelling them with various liquids, creating pathways for natural gas to flow to the surface. The process was called hydraulic fracturing, or fracking). 修正:几十年来,地质勘探人员使用各种流体压开岩层,产生供天然气产出的通道。这个过程被称为水力压裂,或压裂。
第22页: 米切尔的钻探队伍在怀斯县就钻开了,还钻入相对比较“密”的混合岩层。换句话说,这些岩层的气孔被挤压得非常小,天然气很难渗透出来。 原文:The Mitchell team would drill various rock layers in Wise County, including conglomerate sediment that was considered very “tight”, or compressed. In order words, the pores of these rocks were so mashed together that it was hard to get gas to flow from it. ) 修正: 米切尔的队伍在怀斯县钻探各种岩层,包括被认为非常致密或压实的砾岩。这类岩石的孔隙如此致密,以致很难让气体能够从中流出来。
漏翻译了原书第27页第三段(Years later, hydraulic fracturing …)
第23页: 它们比较喜欢传统的方法:打一口井,往地下伸一根管,看能不能碰上一个石油天然气田,然后把油和气吸到地面上来。它们不喜欢用“人工刺激”的水力压裂 原文:They preferred the traditional method of looking for hydrocarbons: Drill a well, like a straw into the ground, and try to hit pools of trapped oil or gas capable of flowing to the surface without the “artificial stimulation” of hydraulic fracturing. 修正:他们喜欢传统的寻找碳氢化合物的方法:钻一口井,就像把一根吸管插入地下,看能不能碰上能够流到地面的油或气藏,而不需要应用 像水力压裂这种人工增产方法。
第27页: 但是这个“深盆地气体”的蕴藏地比一般的天然气蕴藏地要低,而且被紧紧地压住,要开采有难度。 原文:But the natural gas, called deep-basin gas, was below the level of most reservoirs and was tightly packed, make it a challenge to tap.) 修正:但是这个被称为深层盆地的天然气藏要比多数气藏深很多,而且被紧紧压实,给开采带来极大挑战。
第29页: 虽说石油和天然气都应该储藏在“库”里,但是石油油床不会出现在类似“地下油库”的地方。他们只会被锁在各种岩层里,锁在岩层的气孔里。 原文:Although oil and gas is said to lie in “reservoirs”, petroleum deposits do not accumulate in anything resembling a subterranean pool. They are trapped within beds of various rock, hiding in the pore spaces within the rock. 修正:虽然通常说油和气是存在于“储藏”中,但是石油储集完全不同于地下水库。石油被圈闭在不同岩石的储层中,藏在岩石孔隙之中。
第29页: 业界一些人士把页岩称作“基础岩石”,因为它是大多数在地表发现的石油和天然气的来源基础。就像在厨房里烹煮的食物,煮好之后送上餐桌一样,地底的页岩经过了热度和压力的长期作用,里面的石油和天然气被“煮熟”,慢慢被推送到近地表的油床和气床中。 原文:Industry members has long called shale a “source rock” because it was understood to be the layer of rock that was the source of most of those oil and gas deposits found close to the surface. Just as food is cooked in the kitchen and brought out to a dining room, oil and gas spend thousands of years “cooking” in these shale layers before it slowly make the way to reservoirs closer to the surface. 修正:业界一直把页岩称为“生油岩”,因为它是大多数被发现的近地表油藏和气藏的源泉。就像食物是在厨房烹饪,然后送到餐厅,油和气在页岩中经过几千年的“热炼”,然后运移到近地表的油藏中。 8. 第31页:他们还试过一种“水沙混合”的方法。 原文:They also used a “gelled water” formula 修正: 他们还使用了“凝胶水”配方。
第41页: 他说,现在技术发展了,可以进行横向侧面开采,而不只是传统的纵向开采;很多难题也已经被攻破,目前可以进行成本效益高的横向开采。 原文:Technology had advanced to the point where some drilling could be done in a sideway fashion, he said, rather than vertically, the traditional way wells had always been tapped. After years of experimentation, many of the kinks had been worked out and horizontal drilling now could be done in a more cost efficient way, the contractor said. 修正:他说,现在技术已经发展到了可以进行侧钻,而不是传统的直井。经过多年的实验,许多难题已经被攻破,承包商说现在水平钻进可以更加有效的执行。
第41页: 当时电脑造影以及地质分析技术都有了很大的提高。 原文:advances in computer imaging and improvements in seismic analysis of underground reservoirs. 修正:计算机成像技术的发展以及对地下油藏进行地震分析技术的改善。
第62页: 米切尔能源公司有数个承包商来进行压裂,来“清空”气井。其中有两个公司-BJ服务公司和哈利泼顿。这些公司的专家也持怀疑态度。没有胶状物,怎么把那些沙送到地下,撞击岩石,打开裂缝呢?绝对不能用水来撞击岩石,专家们对施泰因斯贝格尔发出警告。虽然说用来压裂的液体里确实有水,但是打到地下时,温度升高,水已经变成胶状物了,是不会接触到岩石的。 原文: Michelle Energy employed a variety of companies, including BJ services and Halliburton, to frack, or “complete”, the wells. Experts at these companies also were dubious. Without the gel, how are you going to get all that sand to the rocks to prop open the cracks? They asked Steinberger. You never want water to contact rock, experts reminded him. Yes, their fracking gel also has a lot of water in it, but it turned to a gelatin-like substance when it was pumped below the ground, where temperatures rose, preventing the water from contacting the rock. 修正:切尔能源公司聘请了包括BJ服务公司和哈里伯顿在内多个公司来压裂井,或称完井。这些公司的专家也持怀疑态度。他们问施泰因斯贝格尔,不用凝胶,如何才能把沙运送到岩石中来支撑打开的缝隙。专家们提醒他,你绝对不想让水与岩石接触。当然,他们使用的压裂凝胶其中也含有大量的水,但是当被泵入地下后,那里温度升高,凝胶变成像明胶状物质,阻止水与岩石接触。
第64页: 高尔文小组自称“非传统的”天然气小组,别人开玩笑说他们应该叫“不赚钱的”小组才对。 原文:When they began referring to themselves the “nonconventional” gas group, others teased that they should be called the “non-commercial” group. 修正:当他们自称为“非常规”气小组时,其他人嘲笑说他们应该叫“非商业”小组。
第67页: 鲍克一心想着地质的事情,尽管在远离底特律的地方长大。底特律是美国的油田之一。 原文:Geology was all Kent Bowker ever wanted to do, even though he grew up outside Detroit, far from nation’s oil fields. 修正:地质一直是肯特.鲍克想从事的职业,虽然他在底特律郊外长大,离油田很远。 14. 第71页: 那时候,施泰因斯贝格尔只证明了用“润滑水压裂法”可以给公司减少开支,但是他没有找到从岩石里开采天然气的方法。 原文:At that point, Nick Steisberger had only proved that the new, slick-water fracking fluid could only save the company money, not that it could unlock much natural gas. 修正:那时尼克. 施泰因斯贝格尔只是证实了这种新的滑溜水压裂液只可以为公司节约成本,而不能够采出更多天然气。 15. 第73页:以前使用的胶状物把岩层的裂缝给粘住了,所以天然气出不来。含水量多的液体混合物似乎能往四面八方冲撞,造成四通八达的网状裂纹,使天然气能够涌上地面。施泰因斯贝格尔和他的同事们还从页岩的自然裂缝中开采出了天然气,那是页岩较浅层的地质带,是通常开采的地质带的上层。 正确的液体混合物已经找到了,好比做菜的高汤已经调好了,这是钻探页岩的秘密配方。 原文:The gel used in their old formula had gummed up fractures in the rock, preventing natural gas from flowing. But the water-based liquid seemed to go out in every direction in the rock, creating complex mini-network of cracks, each enables gas to flow to the surface. Steinberger and his colleagues even got gas from natural fracture in the shale, and from the Upper Barnett, a layer of rock above where they were drilling. They had discovered the right fluid to fracture rock, the secret sauce for drilling in a shale, 修正:以前使用的凝胶配方破坏了岩石中的裂缝,阻止了天然气的流动。但是水基液体似乎流到岩石中各个方向,产生复杂的微裂隙网络,使天然气能够流到地面。施泰因斯贝格尔和他的同事们甚至从页岩的天然裂缝中采出了天然气,他们也从位于正在开发地层上方的上巴尼特地层采出了天然气。 他们找到了正确的压裂页岩的压裂液,开发页岩的神秘配方。
第107页: 3D 地质照影 原文:three-dimensional seismic imaging 修正:三维地震成像
第107页: 奥斯丁乔克地区的石灰岩已经是自然压裂的了。 原文: The limestone in the Austin Chalk region was naturally fractured. 修正:奥斯丁白垩地区的灰岩岩层存在天然裂缝。
第110页: 在路易斯安那州还有大量的回流水需要排放。 原文:But the Louisiana wells produced huge amount of water that had to be disposed of. 修正:但是路易斯安那州的井产出大量的水需要处理。
第121页: 似乎穿透性很高的岩层,也就是说,那个岩层的液体能非常顺畅地流出来. 原文: of rock that seemed have high permeability, or one in which fluids seemed to flow easily. 修正:高渗透率岩层,流体在其中可以容易地流动。 20. 第122页: 他采用最新的技术,如电脑绘图,指向钻探等。指向钻探就是水平钻探的前身。 原文:he embraced early technologies, such as computer mapping and directional drilling, the precursor to horizontal drilling. 修正:他接受新的技术,比如计算机成图和定向井,定向井是水平井的前身。 21. 第131页: 壳牌公司的一位地质学家介绍说他们公司用一种侧向钻探技术打出来很多石油。这种技术比水平钻探费用高,但是斯塔克和哈姆团队的其他人都相信,应该采用这样的方法。 原文:where a Shell geologist talked about how much oil the company also was extracting by drilling in a lateral fashion. It was more expensive to drill horizontally, but Stark and others on Hamm’s staff were becoming convinced they had to try. 修正:壳牌公司的一位地质学家介绍了通过采用侧钻他们采出了很多的石油。打水平井费用会更高,但是斯塔克和哈姆团队的其他人确信值得一试。
第133页: “还能在什么地方开采呢”他向斯塔克问道,“我想知道这个油库的范围到底多大” 原文:“where else can it work” he demanded of jack Stark. “I want to know where the next really big field is” 修正: “水平井技术还能在哪里生效”他向杰克. 斯塔克提出要求“我想知道下一个真正的大油田在哪?”
第160页. 更重要的是,这三家公司证明了,由于压裂法和水平钻探技术的使用,从坚硬的岩石里不仅可以打出天然气,还可以打出石油。石油的分子结构比天然气的分子结构更容易在岩石中流动。 原文:More important, the three companies had proved that oil, not just natural gas, could be extracted from rocks with extremely low permeability. Oil molecular, which move less easily through tight rock than gas molecular, were flowing, thanks to improved horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracture technology. 修正:更重要的是,这三家公司证实了不仅天然气,石油也可以从超低渗岩石中开采出来。由于改进的水平井和水力压裂技术,较气分子在致密岩石中难以流动的油分子也可以流动了。 24. 第162页: 大多数专家都认为,巴肯岩层的上层和低层是“来源层”,也就是产油的岩层,原油会流到其他地方。直到另一个非穿透层把油截住。 原文:Most experts views the Bakken’s upper and lower tiers as “source” rock, or spots where oil originated before migrating to other layers until reached an impermeable layers where it was trapped, preventing it from migrating farther. 修正:大多数专家都认为巴肯岩层的上层和下层是“生油”岩,原油在此生成,然后运移到其他岩层直到遇到非渗透层后被圈闭住,无法向更远处运移。
第162页: 在学校里,他们都教我们,多层的岩层并不是储藏能源的区域。 原文:In school they taught us these layers aren’t reservoirs. 修正:在学校他们教我们这些岩层不是油藏。
第182页: 为了给自己的小公司省点钱,霍夫曼把他的井开在迪韦德县一个叫罗伯特.霍耶尔1-17的地方。那个地方23年前已经有人开采过,但后来被放弃了,在别人开采过的地方开采,有一个好处,那就是有前人钻探过的垂直通道,就不用再钻探一次了。他们只需要从深处在进行水平钻探,然后一个月之后在进行压裂就可以了。 原文:To save the still tiny company money, Hoffman and his colleagues focused on a well called the Robert Heuer 1-17 in Divide County, which had been drilled, plugged, and abandoned twenty-three years earlier. Using a pre-existing well meant Continental wouldn’t have to incur the expensive of drilling vertically into the ground; they’d only have to extended the existing well horizontally and then pump it with fracking liquid a month or so later., 修正: 为给仍然幼小的公司省点钱,霍夫曼和他的同事们把注意力集中在迪瓦德县的一口叫罗伯特.霍耶尔1-17的井上,那口井在23年前完钻,封堵,然后被废弃。使用现成井意味着大陆公司不需要再投入钻直井,他们只需要对现成井水平侧钻然后过一两个月后压裂就可以了。
第182页: 他们钻探的地方是内森.安迪克莱。 原文: They were drilling along the Nesson Anticline. 修正: 他们沿内森背斜钻井。 28. 第182页: 这种压裂的方法行不通,他们使用的液体比例不行,液体到处趟,到处钻。有时候会激活巴肯的岩层,把岩石里的积水的部分撞开。结果当然令人非常失望。 原文:the way the men fractured the rock just wasn’t working. Their liquid concoction went anywhere and everywhere. Sometimes it even exiting the Bakken formation, where it was useless or even opened up fractures in a water-producing zone. The results were maddening. 修正:他们采用的压裂方法无效。压裂液流向四面八方。有时甚至漏失出巴肯岩层,在那里不会起到作用,甚至会压裂开产水带。结果很令人懊恼。
第185页: 页岩里的气泡很小。 原文:pores spaces of shale rock were so small 修正: 页岩的孔隙空间如此之小
第185页: 那一年,帕巴和他的同事在研究一片40英尺长的样品的时候,发现了一组通道。他们判定,那里的页岩气孔足以让石油通过,即使这岩石好像穿透性不大,并且厚的像大理石一样。 原文:That year, while poring over pictures of a forty-foot-long shale-core sample that had been run through a CT scanner, Papa and his geologists detected a network of passageway. They determined that the pore spaces in shale were large enough to let oil flow, even though this rock looked as impermeable and thick as a slab of marble. 修正:那年帕巴和他的同事在观察一块长约40英尺,经过电镜扫描的页岩取芯照片的时候,发现了一组连通网络。他们判定页岩孔隙足以让石油通过,即使这岩石看起来不可渗透,并且厚的像大理石一样。
第198页: 每次他们把水,沙和化学物质打入地下,能够把岩石压裂,把垂直方向的气泡给打开,但往水平方向就不行了。他们用的压裂液体无法太深入,只能到达油井的“脚跟”,而达不到“脚尖”。液体在地下乱钻乱撞,却没有撞到最深处的气泡,所以能冲上地面的石油非常少。 原文:Each time they shot their mixture of water, sand, and chemicals into the formation they managed to cause fractures in the rock closest to the vertical part of the wellbore, just after it curved and went horizontally into the ground. But the fluid wasn’t reaching rock farther out. It was hitting the “heel” of the well, in the lingo of the drilling team, but not the “toe”. The fracking fluid shot anywhere and everywhere in the rock and didn’t make it to the end of the wellbore, resulting in too little oil flowing to the surface. 修正:每次把水,沙和化学物质混合物注入地层,他们能够设法压裂最靠近井筒垂直部位,刚刚开始造斜然后进入水平段的岩石。但是压裂液不能到达更远处。压裂液只能压裂水平井的“跟部”(用钻井人员的术语),而不能压裂到水平井的“趾部”。压裂液流向四面八方,不能到达井底,导致井的产量很低。 32. 第199页. 把有气泡的某些区域封死.然后用液体往那个区域灌. 原文:seal off certain zones in the wellbore so fluid could be focused on specific areas in the rock. 修正: 分隔井筒的一定区域以便压裂液可以压裂岩石中的特定部位. 33. 第199页: 其具体方法是:用特殊填充物把某个区域团团”包住“,在往那个区域凿孔灌液体进行压裂,打出石油。如果能做到这样,钻探工人就可以在旁边再包住一个区域,再重复这样的操作,这样,石油就不会因为受压跑到别的地方去了。接下来,钻探工人就可以在到别的地方,再包住一个区域,再灌液体。 这个做法的原理就是通过垂直的钻探将某篇区域孤立起来,进行压裂,打出石油。通过这样包住独立区域的方法进行压裂,他们从这里打出了相当可观的石油。这可是从非常坚硬的巴肯页岩里打出的石油。 原文:Once a section was sealed, or “packed” off, with a special gasket or other material that swelled to close it off, fracking fluid was pumped in to create a concentrated liquid shot to fracture rock in a select, pressurized area. Once that was done, drillers would focus on the next section of the well, which they ‘d seal off with another “swell packer” that would inflate to block the fracking fluid from reaching other sections of the well, to give the new area its own pinpointed dose of fracking fluid. Then they’d move on to still another segment in the well, a few hundreds feet away, and do it all over again. The idea was to isolate a section of the horizontal wellbore, frack it, and get oil flowing. After dozen or more ”stages”, the fracking would be complete. By segmenting the well and fracking it in stages with concentrated fluid, drillers were getting impressive amount of oil from dense rock that had proven especially stubborn, like the Bakkken shale. 修正:采用特定密封圈或其他物质膨胀封隔住井筒的一部分后,注入压裂液来集中压开设计的增压区域岩石。这部分完成后,钻井人员开始压裂井的下一段,他们用另一个“膨胀型封隔器”分隔井段,封隔器膨胀后阻止压裂液进入其他井段,这样新的区域也可以接受自己这部分压裂液。然后他们移到几百英尺外的另一段,重复上面的过程。 整体设计思路是封隔住水平井井筒的一段,对其进行压裂,让油流动。经过一打或更多”级“后,压裂工作结束。通过封隔井段,多级集中压裂,钻井人员可以从像巴肯页岩这样以前被确认为非常棘手的致密岩石中采出可观的石油。 34. 第199页: 这种侧向长距离钻探,是多层压裂开采的最新技术。 原文:This “long lateral” was a perfect complement for the new, multi-staged fracking. 修正: 这种“长水平井段“十分有利于采用新的多级压裂技术。
第199页: 这都得归功于EOG能源公司的多层次压裂革命 原文:thanks to EOG’s multistaged fracking innovation 修正:这都得归功于EOG能源公司的多级压裂技术革新
第201页: 刚提到的那两家公司在安蒂克莱恩西边钻探的不顺利。 原文:The two rivals with the bad luck were west of the anticline. 修正: 两家倒霉的对手在背斜西边钻井。 37. 第246页: 压裂30次才能打出大量的油。 原文: Fracking wells in about thirty stages helped extract huge amount of crude. 修正: 进行30级压裂可以采出大量的油。 38. 第246页:不久大陆能源公司就放弃相当于每天1000多桶石油的产量了。 原文:Soon, Continental’s wells were giving up over one thousand barrels a day. 修正:不久大陆能源公司的油井每天就可以产出1000多桶石油。 39. 第252页: 从传统岩石里进行水平钻探采油,是北美石油行业的又一个拐点。 原文:Horizontal oil from unconventional rock will be a North American industry game changer. 修正: 在非常规岩石里过打水平井采油将为北美石油业带来变革。 40. 第277页: 桑德里奇能源公司还斥资4亿美元购买密西西比石灰岩地区200英亩的土地。这片地区位于俄克拉荷马州南部,堪萨斯州南部,是个老旧的油田。沃德觉得虽然这块油田被忽略了,但它很有魅力,目前的油价几乎是100美元,所以沃德觉得可以赌一把,可以通过水平钻探技术和多区域压裂的技术,再加上其他复杂的技术来去除水,同时把石油给过滤出来,这样他们就可以有利润了。 原文:SandRidge also spent $400 million to purchase two million acres in the Mississippian Lime, the formation in northern Oklahoma and southern Kansas. These were aging oil fields, but to Ward they seemed overlooked and attractive. With oil at nearly $100 a barrel; he wagered that SandRidge could profit using horizontal drilling and multistaged fracking techniques, while also employing sophisticated methods to remove water and free up oil from the wells. 修正:桑德里奇能源公司还斥资4亿美元在密西西比灰岩购买了2百万英亩的土地,该地层位于俄克拉荷马州北部,堪萨斯州南部。这是些老油田,但是沃德觉得它们被忽略了,应该仍然有潜力。油价接近100美元一桶了,他确信通过采用钻水平井和多级压裂,以及先进的除水及采油技术,桑德里奇能源公司有利可图。
第300页: 如规定井套必须达到一定深度,密封度要高,确保化学物质不会上升到蓄水层。 原文:such as rules ensuring that well casings are set at proper depths and have tight seals, to be sure chemicals never leak into aquifers. 修正:比如设定规则确保井的套管下到适当深度,而且密封以保证化学物质不会漏失到水层。
第302页. 根据雷蒙德.詹姆斯经纪公司的数据,2013年,全欧洲只有70口油井在作业,而美国有1700口井在开采。 原文:A sign of how little is going on is that the continent had almost seventy rigs operating as of 2013, according to brokerage firm Raymond James, compared with seventeen hundred in the United States. 修正:从一个迹象可以看出欧洲大陆有多不活跃,根据雷蒙德.詹姆斯经纪公司的数据,2013年欧洲大陆只有70台钻机作业,而美国则有1700台钻机作业。