作者:Gerald Tuite; Yves Homsy; Luis Rodriguez等 【译注:以上三名作者均曾来中国学习肖氏手术。肖传国2009年3月曾亲临指导首批患者手术。作者之一Homsy曾联署所谓“国际学术同仁声援肖传国医生的公开信”,声称“其他科学家已经重复并证实了肖的研究结果”、“先期试验的数据是支持肖氏手术的”。】
2015 AANS Annual Scientific Meeting: Oral Presentations
- A Randomized, Prospective, Double Blinded Surgical Trial of a Somatic to Autonomic Intradural Nerve Anastomosis (Xiao Procedure) in Children with Neurogenic Bladder Undergoing Spinal Cord Detethering Gerald F. Tuite, Jr., MD, FAANS; Yves Homsy, MD; Ethan Polsky, MD; Maggie Reilly; Carolyn Carey, MD; Luis Rodriguez; Parrish Winesett, MD; Sara Gaskill; Bruce Storrs; Lisa Tetreault (St Petersburg, FL)
Introduction: Xiao et al have reported 67% to 86% success in the establishment of voluntary voiding in patients with neurogenic bladder dysfunction, purportedly the result of the establishment of a skin-CNS-bladder reflex arc created by an intradural somatic to autonomic lumbosacral nerve anastomosis. We designed a study to more rigorously analyze this novel procedure, which has generated great enthusiasm among patients and their physicians, as a possible transformative new procedure to allow voluntary voiding with neurogenic bladder dysfunction.
Methods: Twenty children with spina bifida undergoing spinal cord detethering surgery were randomized between two arms: half of the patients underwent a standard detethering procedure, with the other half undergoing detethering plus the Xiao procedure. Patients, families and health care providers, who were blinded to the treatment arm, analyzed motor and sensory function, ADLs and bladder function before surgery and at 3, 6, 9, 12, 24 and 36 months after surgery using extensive questionnaires, physical examinations and detailed urodynamic studies.
Results: All 20 patients completed the 3-year follow-up evaluation period. No child in either group had a reproducible, reliable and useful ability to initiate normal voiding at their three-year follow-up. Early results of over 1,000 clinical outcome data points per patient will be summarized.
Conclusions: This rigorous evaluation of the Xiao procedure failed to produce reliable and reproducible improvements in bladder function or voluntary voiding in children with spina bifida when compared to patients who underwent a standard spinal cord detethering procedure.