http://www.uakron.edu/bot/docs/personnel-reports/Personnel-transactions-August2013.pdf 第12页。
引用: Solid State NMR Laboratory Manager/Institute of Polymer Science/Contract Professional
据akron大学这个13年的变动,他辞职前的位置:Contract Professional, 和staff 根本不沾边,更别说tenure-track 教授了。
请注意,同页的博士后同事都列在 staff 里面,但是包括他工作的中心(Applied Polymer Research Center)的联系人manager, 都是 Contract Professional。
引用: The Applied Polymer Research Center (APRC) is a contract services facility operated by The University of Akron’s College of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering. We have been serving the industrial community, especially rubber and plastics, for over 50 years. The Center currently performs 300-400 projects a year, under complete confidentiality to the client. Projects are generally initiated and completed under a purchase order agreement.
With a full-time professional staff, and a half-million dollar inventory of modern instrumentation, the Center is dedicated to performing sophisticated and timely contractual technical services for industrial and government clients. In addition to dedicated resources maintained by the Center, the laboratory has access to highly sophisticated instrumentation through the College of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering, and will interface with a staff of over 30 highly specialized faculty to solve more complex polymer related problems.
那个Solid State NMR Laboratory Manager看上去很糊人?就在那个外包的中心,Solid State NMR只是化学分析下的一个部分而已,化学分析又只是Applied Polymer Research Center下面一个部分而已。
http://www.uakron.edu/aprc/ http://www.uakron.edu/aprc/chemical-analysis.dot
Akron 有一堆在高分子领域做教授的中国人,结果郭当了“千人”首席。