史蒂文·温伯格作品《TO EXPLAIN THE WORLD》中文译本中的翻译问题
理论物理学家,诺贝尔物理学奖获得者史蒂文·温伯格2015年出版了新作《TO EXPLAIN THE WORLD》, 中信出版集团2016年出版了该书中文译本《给世界的答案》,中文译者为凌复华,彭婧珞。中文译本中存在不少漏译,误译,甚至完全与原文意思相反的翻译。
“我并非不知道本书标题中“解释”一词会使一些科学哲学家产生疑问。他们指出,在“解释”和“描述”之间难以做出精确的区分。(我在第八章中会对此稍作提及。)但这本书讲的是历史,而不是科学哲学。我用“解释”一词, 意味着承认其不尽精确,就像在日常生活中,我们试图解释一匹马为什么赢得比赛或者一架飞机为什么坠毁一样。”
- 中译文:因此,这本书将以奥斯瓦尔德·斯宾格勒(Oswald Spengler)和阿诺尔德·汤因比(Arnold Toynbee)强烈反对的方式强调西方(包括中世纪的伊斯兰世界)
原文:So this book will emphasize the West (including medieval Islam) in just the way that was deplored by Oswald Spengler and Arnold Toynbee
- 中译文:但有些读者或许能够从中学到一些有关物理学和天文学的知识,因此我准备了这些资料。
原文: but some readers may learn a few odd bits of physics and astronomy from them, as I did in preparing them.
- 科学是渐进性的,每一种新理论都整合了先前的成功理论,并将其变为近似理论,而在近似理论起作用时,新理论甚至还能解释其原因。
原文:Science is cumulative; each new theory incorporates successful earlier theories as approximations, and even explains why these approximations work, when they do work.
- 第五页 那克西米尼进一步发展了米利都学派,也是该学派最后一位哲学家。
原文: with Anaximenes the contribution of the Milesians comes to an end.
修改: 米利都人的贡献到阿那克西米尼为止就到了尽头。
- 第十一页 十二面体神秘地代表着宇宙,故不能以此方式构造
原文: The Dodecahedron, which mysteriously represents the cosmos, cannot be constructed in this way.
第二十九页 于1830年
原文: In 1830s
- 第三十页 在托勒密王国消亡后,博物馆与希腊科学依然维系时日。而且正如我们将要看到的,古代科学最伟大的成就,除部分出现在罗马时期的希腊城邦,绝大部分都出现在亚历山大。
原文:The Museum and Greek science outlasted the kingdom of the Ptolemies, and, as we shall see, some of the greatest achievements of ancient science occurred in the Greek half of the Roman Empire, and largely in Alexandria.
修改: 博物馆和希腊科学远比托勒密王国更为长久,我们将会看到,古代科学中的一些最伟大的成就就是诞生于罗马帝国希腊领域,而且主要在亚历山大里亚。
- 第三十三页第二段: 空气是实体
原文:air is real
- 第三十三页第二段:若将其斜扣入水中。使空气能够逸出,则水将流入瓶中并将其灌满。
原文:but if a hole is opened so that air is allowed to leave the bottle, then water will flow in and fill the bottle.
- 第三十六页第二段 会因被流体托起而比它的真实重量轻
原文:will be lighter than its true weight by the weight of the fluid displaced.
修改: 重量会轻于其真实重量,减轻重量等于排出液量
- 第五十一页第二段:大角星与日共升
原文:at the heliacal rising of Arcturus
修改: 大角偕日升
- 第五十一页第二段:而当昴星团集体出现在地平线时(在这一天的破晓前星团首次出现在地平线附近,在此之前无法在夜间观测到,在此之后这逐渐从黎明提前到夜间出现)
原文:at the cosmical setting of the Pleiades constellation. (This is the day in the year when these stars first are seen to set just before sunrise; earlier in the year they do not set at all before the Sun comes up, and later they set well before dawn).
- 第69页 并非只有太阳和月球自西向东通过黄道带,同样运动着的,还有每天自东向西围绕北天极较快运行的恒星。在一些古代文明中,人们注意到。在群星背景中,有五颗“星星”日复一日自西向东移动,其路径与太阳和月球的路径基本相同。
原文:The Sun and Moon are not alone in moving from west to east through the zodiac while they share the quicker daily revolution of the starts from east to west around the north celestial pole. In several ancient civilities it was noticed that over many days five “stars” travel from west to east through the fixed starts along pretty much the same path as the Sun and Moon.
- 第69页 古希腊人称其为流浪的星星或行星,并用神的名字为其命名:水星是赫尔墨斯,金星是阿佛洛狄忒,火星是阿瑞斯,木星是宙斯,土星是克洛诺斯,罗马分别译为墨丘利,金维纳斯,玛尔斯,朱庇特。希腊人仿效巴比伦人的做法,将太阳和月亮也归为行星,这样总共有7颗行星,并据此创立了星期制度。
原文:The Greeks called them wandering stars, or planets, and gave them the names of gods: Hermes, Aphrodite, Ares, Zeus, and Cronos, translated by the Romans into Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, Following the lead of the Babylonians, they also included the Sun and Moon as planets, making seven in all, and on this based the week of seven days.
- 第七十一页第三段:例如太阳系仪可用来研究太阳的运动
原文: like the gnomon, for studying the motion of the Sun.
评论:前面一直把gnomon翻译为圭表,这里译为太阳系仪,可能出自不同译者。太阳系仪英文为orrery, 是演示太阳系内行星运行的装置。
- 第七十一页第三段:尽管托勒密曾深入研究折射和反射现象(包括大气中的折射对星星视位置的影响),我们也将看到这一研究在天文历史上起到的至关重要的作用,但他从来没有意识到透镜和曲面反射镜可以用来放大天体的图像(如伽利略的折射望远镜和牛顿的反射望远镜),这一点着实令人深感可惜。
原文:It is ironic that Claudius Ptolemy, who had deeply studied the phenomena of refraction and reflection (including the effects of refraction in the atmosphere on the apparent positions of stars) and who as we will see played a crucial role in the history of astronomy, never realized that lenses and curved mirrors could be used to magnify the images of astronomical bodies, as in Galileo Galilei’s refracting telescope and the reflecting telescope invented by Isaac Newton.
- 第七十一页第四段:事实证明,古代和中世纪天文学中的巨大争议,并未发生在那些支持地动说或天动说的人们之间;相反,大多数人都认为太阳,月球和行星围绕静止的地球转动,却对运动方式有两种不同的构想。
原文: the great debate in ancient and medieval astronomy was not between those thought that the Earth or the Sun was in motion, but between two different conceptions of how the Sun and Moon and Planets revolve around a stationary Earth.
- 第七十一页第一段:对内行星而言,赫拉克利德斯和哥白尼的唯一区别在于两位天文学家观点的不同—前者认为地球是宇宙中心,后者认为太阳是宇宙中心
原文:As far as the inner planets are concerned, the only difference between Heraclides and Copernicus is point of view-either based on the Earth or based on the Sun.
- 第七十九页第二段:在其最简单的版本中,托勒密理论认为每颗行星都在一个被称为“本轮”的圆周上运行,而本轮中心又在“均轮”上绕地球转动。
原文:In its simplest version, the Ptolemaic theory has each planet revolving in a circle known as an “epicycle”, not about the Earth, but about a moving point that goes around the Earth on another circle know as a “deferent”.
- 第七十九页第三段:正如前文所述,赫拉克利德斯的理论效果很好,因为其等价于日心说,两种理论的差别只在于天文学家的观点。既然托勒密的本轮理论与与赫拉克利德斯的理论所呈现的水星和金星的视运动结果相同,前者能与观察结果完美契合,也就不足为奇了。
原文:As already mentioned, Heraclides’ theory works well because it is equivalent to one in which the Earth and inner planets go around the Sun, the two theories differing only in the point of view of the astronomer. So it is no accident that the epicycle theory of Ptolemy, which gives Mercury and Venus the same apparent motions as the theory of Heraclides, also works pretty well in comparison with observation.
- 第八十页第四段:如只到这里结束,希腊天文学的故事将会非常完美。但不幸的是,既然哥白尼本人都清楚地意识到,其理论的最简单版本对行星视运动的预测与观测结果不甚相符,托勒密理论的最简版本—与前者如出一辙—自然也不例外。
原文:It would be nice to end the story of Greek astronomy here. Unfortunately, as Copernicus himself well understood, the predictions of the simplest version of the Copernican theory for the apparent motions of the planets do not quite agree with observation, and so neither do the predictions of the simplest version of the Ptolemaic theory, which are identical.
评论:原文中没有转折的意思,翻译为“既然” —“自然”不合适。
- 第八十一页第二段:柏拉图提倡匀速圆周运动,就我们所知,历代古人都坚定不移地认为天体只能做复合圆周运动,只有托勒密愿意在匀速运动方面做出让步。
原文:Plato had called for circles and uniform motion, and as far as is known no one in antiquity conceived that astronomical bodies could have any motion other than one compounded of circular motions, though Ptolemy was willing to compromise on the issue of uniform motion.
- 第八十七页第二段:科学哲学家皮埃尔?迪昂,在20世纪头10年发表著作,在书中他支持托勒密的观点,因为他们的模型与数据更为吻合,但是他不赞成西昂和阿德拉斯托斯为迁就模型而忽略真相的做法。
原文:Writing in the first decade of the twentieth century, the physicist turned philosopher Pierre Duhem took the side of the Ptolemaics because their model fitted the data better, but he disapproved of Theon and Adrastus for trying to lend reality to the model.
- 第九十五页第三段:尤其值得一提的是,法尔加尼对于地球周长给出了一个误差较小的估测值,几个世纪之后的哥伦布因此受到鼓舞,认为他可以从西班牙一路向西航行到日本–这或许是历史上最幸运的误算。
原文:Al-Farghani in particular reported a smaller circumference, which centuries later encouraged Columbus to think that he could survive an ocean voyage westward from Spain to Japan, perhaps the luckiest miscalculation in history.
- 第一百一十四页第一段: 1091年,西西里岛落入诺曼人之手,告别了阿拉伯人的统治,此后的众多著作便直接从希腊文译为拉丁文,不再先译为阿拉伯语。
原文:After Arab Sicily fell to the Normans in 1091, translations were also made directly from Greek to Latin, with no reliance on Arabic intermediaries.
- 第一百二十二页第二段之后漏译一句:
Despite all his arguments, Oresme finally surrendered to the common idea of a stationary Earth, as follows:
- 第一百四十二页第一段之后漏译一段:
Whatever individual clergymen may have thought about a heliocentric theory, there was no general Protestant effort to suppress the works of Copernicus. Nor did Catholic opposition to Copernicus become organized until the 1600s. The famous execution of Giordano Bruno by the Roman Inquisition in 1600 was not for his defense of Copernicus, but for heresy, of which (by the standards of the time) he was surely guilty. But as we will see, the Catholic church did in the seventeenth century put in place a very serious suppression of Copernican ideas.
- 第一百六十五页第三段:在满月(太阳在地球和月球之间)时减小。
原文:and decreased at full moon, when the Moon is on the other side of the Earth from the Sun.
- 第一百六十八页第二段:除了惩罚亵渎或背叛行为的某些国家
原文:With the exception of those Islamic countries that punish blasphemy or apostasy
- 第197页第二段:光只是通过棱镜被增加到白光之中
原文:colors were simply added to white light by the prism.
- 第198页第二段:无物的空间
原文:empty space
- 第198页第二段:根据反射角等于入射角的定律以及斯内尔折射定律,惠更斯给出了一种新的推导,无须依赖于费马提出的光线取最短时间路径的先验假设。
原文:He gave a new derivation of the equal-angles rule for reflection, and of Snell’s law for refraction, without Fermat’s a priori assumption that light rays take the path of least time.
- 人们不难猜测,使物体落向地球的重力随着物体到地心距离的减小而减小。虽然我不知道任何人曾明确地提出过这一点。另一方面这种力与行星运动之间是否有关系却非显而易见。
原文:It was an old idea that the force of gravity that causes objects to fall to the Earth decreases with distance from the Earth’s surface. This much was suggested in the ninth century by a well-traveled Irish monk, Duns Scotus (Johannes Scotus Erigena, or John the Scot), but with no suggestion of any connection of this force with the motion of the planets.